Why Dental Implants?
Dental implants will improve your smile and your overall quality of life which you deserve. When you lose a tooth or several teeth - whether it's a new situation or something you have lived with for years - chances are you have never become fully accustomed to losing such a vital part of yourself. Why sacrifice the structure of surrounding good teeth to bridge a space? In addition, removing a denture or a partial at night may be inconvenient, not to mention that dentures that slip can be uncomfortable and rather embarrassing. Dental implants can be your doorway to renewed self-confidence and peace of mind.
A dental implant is a small post that is made out of titanium. This is normally placed by a specialist only and then Snee Dental Associates would place the new tooth on the top of the implant. The post is surgically inserted into the jaw where teeth are missing. After the implant is placed, we allow the surrounding bone to heal for a few months. . Then Snee Dental Associates will place the new tooth on top of the implant after healing.